One Year Older and Wiser Too

Last week Burke finished his last 4 day training trip to Spokane (hoorah!) which coincidentally fell on my 26th birthday on December 10th.  Boo.  A few years ago, this may have really upset me, but Burke was a gem and thought of ways to celebrate with me before he left (going to Catching Fire - SO well done!) and had gifties delivered to me in his absence to make the separation on the day of more bearable. :)  

Cassie was a darling as usual and invited me down to St. George so I didn't have to feel alone on my birthday.  I am so glad she did because we had such a great time!  Daphne and I drove down in the early afternoon and met Cassie and Nellie with the kids at the new children's museum in St. George.  If you live in the area I would HIGHLY recommend it!  It's a great new addition to the town for both chilly winter days and the ridiculously sweltering summer when you're sick of going swimming to get the little one's energy out.  We were having such a good time playing at the museum that we spent over 2 hours there before realizing it was way past lunch.  Cassie and Nellie treated Daph and I to lunch at 25 and Main (love the decor and food there) and we juggled kids while visiting.  

That night Cassie made me homemade pizza and a bunt cake which Emmett drizzled with wintery blue and white icing.  He was so proud of his handiwork!  It was so nice to be with the Ridings and made me wish we lived in the same town again so we could do outings together more often.  

A few days later Burke presented me with a few gifts that I have been absolutely delighted with!  The complete works of Jane Austin so gorgeously bound and the piano music to Les Miserable.  Never mind that I hinted I would love either of these gifts, I was still super excited when I opened the package!  It turned out to be a great birthday after all!
