6 Years
Celebrated 6 fabulous years with this man of mine on June 6. We had Daphne's birthday party and stake conference and were in the process of paying off loads of medical bills from April-June (more on that later), so we didn't do too much to celebrate. Either I'm getting less sentimental or more practical, but I was totally a-o-k with our low key day this time. Next year will more than make up for it if we can swing a trip to Turkey! We'll see.
Here's a little blurb I threw up on Facebook on our anniversary about my main squeeze:
Little known facts about Burke Adams. He used to cut his fingernails with scissors instead of clippers. Ew. Broke him of that nasty habit by year 2 thank goodness. He is a huge tease! (in fact he is blowing air through a super soaker at my head right now as I try to type because I told him not to look!) He is incredibly steady, loyal and committed heart and soul to his daughters, his wife, his family, Parowan and the gospel. Every time he sees a gray hair he has a mini mid-life crisis! smile emoticon He loves sci-fi, sampling gourmet cheeses and cooking obscure recipes that call for ingredients such as rose water and almond flour. He looks so dang good on a horse. He is incredibly hard working, nostalgic and deep thinking. He's a dreamer. He is verrrry picky about how food is prepared and loves a good meal with ample salt, hot sauces or condiments. He lusts after motorcycles and side-by-sides. He is a news junky. He's not a romantic, but he makes up for it with his daily, consistent displays of love through word and deed. He never says a bad word about others...ever. When he serenades me on the guitar, I fall in love all over again. I could go on for pages and pages. 6 years married to this wonderful man have made my life far more happy than I ever imagined it would be. I am the luckiest. Happy Anniversary Burkie!
And here's what he wrote about me with this AMAZINGLY flattering photo from Mother's Day:
6 wonderful years with this amazing lady as of yesterday!! I thought I would post a picture of her out of blog mode (kids always smiling and Mayberry atmosphere) and in live action to show just 1 of the hundreds of things she has to deal with on a daily basis! I don't know what I would do without my Em!
Do you see what I mean about his unromantic nature? Ha ha! Love this man.