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Grief Turns Out to Be a Place None Of Us Know Until We Reach It

Grieving the loss of a child is such a strange, complicated process. Sometimes you wonder if the gaping wound in your soul is ever going to mend and at other times you feel immense guilt when you realize its been a while since you've been to see your child's grave. In both instances, you wonder if there is something wrong with you. Is my Grief "normal". Is it lasting too long? Am I moving forward too fast? Am I exceeding, meeting or failing others expectations for what this sojourn should look like? How are my family and friends being affected by my Grief for the good or ill? Ultimately, I've come to realize that I can't measure my healing by anyone else's standards or experiences. It can't be understood from the outside looking in. It is an intensely personal journey that no one can speed up or travel or change for you. Grief demands to be experienced on an intimately exclusive odyssey. I have found great truth in the...

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