A Regular Day

Here's a brief synopsis of what a regular day is like when I get to go with Burke to school for our French or Culture class.

7:00 AM - Hit the snooze button

7:15 - Roll out of bed

7:40 - Leave apartment, walk across street and board the north bound RER B.

8:00 - Get off  at Gare du Nord, walk forever down a long, poop-smelling tunnel and up several flights of stairs to connect with Metro Line 2.

8: 07 - Exit Metro at stop Colonal Fabian, walk 5 minutes to INSEEC School of Business.

8:15 - Begin French class with Madame Stephanie.  

From left to right: Lubur (Slovakian who is literally 6'9 and played bball for SUU), Jay (really missing his wife), my Burkie (not missing his wife cause he's awesome and brought her with him!), Kelly, Stephanie (our teacher), Zane and Jerardo (the chronic liar - not kidding for one second! - he told all of his professors he needed to fly home to Mexico for a family emergency while in reality he was meeting them in the Mediterranean for a week long cruise!).  Not pictured are Paulina and Maita, our sweet Mexicana chicas.

10:00 - 5 minute break - use unisex bathroom.  Feel awkward washing my hands next to a couple of dudes.

12:00 - Finish class, walk to one of several delicious spots for lunch.

1:00 - Leave restaurant with what we now call "Doner Gut" (that "ugh" feeling you get when you eat a meat packed Kabab/Doner).

For the rest of the day (if there are no other classes) explore the city and find new things like this...

See interesting people like this...

And, if there's time, go ahead and stop to let the artist under the Eiffel Tour sketch a portrait of us.

Laugh the entire way home about how "perfectly" he captured us.  Don't you think it looks just like us? :)

Eventually it's time to make the underground trek home.  We've clocked several miles in walking and by the time we get back to our closet, we're worn out and ready to relax in our Parisian penthouse.  I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!  


Mindy said…
I am laughing so hard at the portrait!!!! I hope you didn't pay too much! :) Hahah :)
Anonymous said…
:) Love this!!
"Rowley Powley" said…
I am peeing my pants. I cannot stop laughing at that sketch. Oh my goodness that is HILarious!