Going Private

Last night I awoke with a start in the middle of the night.  I had an extremely disturbing dream where a man was gathering all the information he could on my little family from the archives of this blog and was planning on using the information to harm us.  In the dream my eldest sister Amy plead for me to keep my family safe by protecting our information.  When I woke I was pretty shaken up, so I asked Burke to come with me to check on Daphne.  We walked in her room and my heart froze to see her little bed empty.  It took less than a second for the cell phone glow to find her curled up on the floor next to her little bed, but the experience was so terrifying to me that I lay awake for hours imagining what my life would be like without my angel baby or darling husband.  Burke was so good to sooth me and hold me close until I could finally fall back asleep, but I determined in those nighttime hours to do what I could to protect my family.

Thus, it's time for this blog to go private.  I personally loathe private blogs, because I know how often I check my friends' blogs that have gone private...never!  However, although I love keeping in touch with friends and family, the primary purpose of this blog is to serve as a journal and I can still fulfill that purpose whether private or public.

If you would care for an invitation so you can still view the blog, leave a comment with your email and I will be sure to send you the link.  Thanks to everyone who has read, commented and shared experiences with me through the past 5 years on my little corner of the internet.  I appreciate all the support and love that has been expressed and hope you have felt mine in return!


Niki said…
I would love one! I have the same feelings about private blogs. I wasn't too excited to make mine private but you can never be too careful these days! niki.sealy@gmail.com
Madi said…
your blog is wonderful!
tandbcrane@gmail.com :)
Stephanie Hyde said…
Odette Paeplow said…
Nicki said…
Anonymous said…
Hi Emily! I love following your blog. thuy15.orchids.3010@gmail.com
Unknown said…
I would love to keep up on your blog.

Jem said…
Me,please. jemusic71@yahoo.com.
Anonymous said…

I will probably do the same thing pretty soon!