Little Things

***Just found this unpublished post in my drafts.  It was written on April 23.  Glad I wrote these things down.

This is mostly for me.  There are a few little things Daphne is doing right now that I don't want to forget.  I never think I will forget, but she goes in and out of phases so quickly that the cute things she does right now will be out of my memory in a few weeks.

- Each night when we're doing our bedtime routine, Daphne will now request several songs, always starting with "Twinkle, Twinkle".  If she is drinking milk and has one hand occupied, she will make me do the actions with her, as if my right hand was her right hand.  So when we get to, "like a diamond in the sky" she will place her index finger and thumb against mine to form a diamond shape.  She thinks it's hilarious and makes me sing that part over and over again so we can do the action.

- After a story, brushing teeth, singing a few songs in the rocking chair and kneeling down for prayers, Daphne always does this series: a kiss, followed by an Eskimo Kiss, then a butterfly kiss, and wrapped up with a head bonk!  I didn't know Burke had taught her to bonk heads, so the first time she did it to me, I wasn't prepared and she gave me a headache from her enthusiastic head slam.  Next she lays down in her crib without a fuss, asks for "One..TWO blankies", crams her guy in her mouth, then pulls him out to blow kisses and to say "I love you."

- I can't remember the last time I had to get up with her in the night (knock on wood!).  She is an early riser, but thankfully she almost always sleeps 11 hours straight.

- Daphne has what we call the "Happy Dance" which almost always occurs when she is snacking on something delicious (or when we tell her we're going to go see cousins/friends).  She'll be so delighted with the taste that she just can't contain her glee and she'll start hoping back and forth rapidly from foot to foot while laughing and bending slightly at the waist.  It's so funny and when we egg her on by chanting, "Happy Dance! Happy Dance!" she goes even faster, laughing with joy.  

- She's really into naming other people's emotions right now.  Whenever she hears someone crying or upset, she turns to me with this fake sad face and says, "Baby crying" while signing the sign for crying or sad.  If someone's happy she usually just starts laughing and doing a slower version of her happy dance.

- In the morning, I won't let her have milk until after breakfast (otherwise she fills up on milk and then won't eat), but now she associates her morning milk with the scriptures because I always read to her from the children picture scriptures the Ridings gave us for Christmas while she drinks.  So now whenever I give her the milk she runs to the book shelf and says, "Book of Mormon!"  

- For a while Daphne's been really afraid of getting her head wet.  When I give her a tubby and have to wash her hair, her eyes go wide and she stands straight up, clutching me to her and soaking my shirt every time.  She doesn't cry and she relaxes within a matter of seconds, but her eyes get wide with terror.  I try to give her plenty of warning but for some reason she gets scared every time.  Tonight we took her swimming at the rec center to try and help her get more comfortable getting her head wet, we'll see if it helps.
