Moving Forward With a VBAC
*We've had this news for a couple weeks, but I'm just now making time to document it. Also, this may be way too much information for some of you, so just know the bottom line is we're going to try a VBAC!
Two weeks ago we went in for my 37 week checkup and Dr. Sanders did a thorough pelvic examination as well as an ultrasound so he could best advice us on whether or not I was a good candidate for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). I was so nervous going into the appointment. For the past several weeks, although I have still felt large and in charge, I have felt like this little lady was smaller than Daphne at this point in the last time pregnancy. I was trying not to get my hopes up as I wondered what Dr. Sanders would say, especially since he is very cautious and has had me labeled "high risk" throughout this pregnancy. Therefore, I was shocked and delighted as we were in the ultrasound room and Dr. Sanders kept saying enthusiastically, "Oh, this looks great!"
First he did the pelvic check and said he didn't think my shape should inhibit a V birth and he was pleased to find that I was already dilated to a 2.5 and was 70% thinned out. Next, he did the ultrasound and told us that baby was looking small (exactly what we wanted to hear!) in about the 25% for head size and weighing about 6 lbs 2 ounces. He said those numbers aren't exact, but they are the closest estimate he could give. This was fantastic news because in Daphne's case, we found out after she was born that her head was in the 96th percentile (thankfully she's grown into it just fine) and her weight was in the 85th percentile if I remember right.
Dr. Sanders told us again and again that this was our choice and that he would support us no matter what we decided. However, he did say that he thought our chances for a successful VBAC were about 85% positive. He also let us know that if we decided to go that route, there would be a team on hand during the labor just in case that could instantly switch us to Cesarean if there were any kind of difficulties. Knowing that we are also LDS, he advised us to make this decision a serious matter of prayer (and fasting for Burke) and to let him know what we had decided the next week.
Burke and I have both felt so peaceful about the decision to try to have this baby vaginally. If she is so much smaller than Daphne, I think we have a great chance at being able to safely deliver her. I know that my recovery would be a million times easier if I could do it that way, which would be a huge blessing. I also love the idea of being able to hold her immediately after the labor and have her in the room with us instead of having her whisked off to the NICU. I love the thought that I could nurse her immediately instead of having to deal with all the feeding tube drama that eventually resulted in my milk drying up. However, I don't feel like I'm going into this determined to have a VBAC come heck or high water. If it turns out that the labor is not going well, I won't fight another Cesarean, but I am so grateful for the chance to at least try the VBAC option first.
So now, we are just playing the waiting game. Yesterday was my 39 week mark so we're down to 6 days until my October 7th due date. However, since Daphne was induced 5 days before her due date, I really have no idea what to expect with this little lady. In many many ways, it feels like my first pregnancy because the whole process has been so drastically different. I have felt healthy and strong the entire pregnancy (minus some nausea the first month and a week of extreme soreness after Krissy's wedding a few weeks ago). I haven't been super emotional and besides being tired and needing to rest most afternoons, I still feel like I have been able to do all the things I've needed to do. The PUPPS (which appeared around 37 weeks last time and led to me being induced early) haven't bothered me once this time around - hallelujah! So even if we have another weird delivery, I will consider this pregnancy very successful!
I am anxious and ready for our little darling to make her debut, but will force myself to stay patient until she decides she is good and ready. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that we're about to become a family of 4, but I am so ready for the change! Hopefully the next time I blog it will be to introduce her to you. Thank you for all the love, support and prayers - we appreciate them so much!
Candid preggo shot on a cloudy Sunday afternoon out picking apples to snack on.
Two weeks ago we went in for my 37 week checkup and Dr. Sanders did a thorough pelvic examination as well as an ultrasound so he could best advice us on whether or not I was a good candidate for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). I was so nervous going into the appointment. For the past several weeks, although I have still felt large and in charge, I have felt like this little lady was smaller than Daphne at this point in the last time pregnancy. I was trying not to get my hopes up as I wondered what Dr. Sanders would say, especially since he is very cautious and has had me labeled "high risk" throughout this pregnancy. Therefore, I was shocked and delighted as we were in the ultrasound room and Dr. Sanders kept saying enthusiastically, "Oh, this looks great!"
First he did the pelvic check and said he didn't think my shape should inhibit a V birth and he was pleased to find that I was already dilated to a 2.5 and was 70% thinned out. Next, he did the ultrasound and told us that baby was looking small (exactly what we wanted to hear!) in about the 25% for head size and weighing about 6 lbs 2 ounces. He said those numbers aren't exact, but they are the closest estimate he could give. This was fantastic news because in Daphne's case, we found out after she was born that her head was in the 96th percentile (thankfully she's grown into it just fine) and her weight was in the 85th percentile if I remember right.
Dr. Sanders told us again and again that this was our choice and that he would support us no matter what we decided. However, he did say that he thought our chances for a successful VBAC were about 85% positive. He also let us know that if we decided to go that route, there would be a team on hand during the labor just in case that could instantly switch us to Cesarean if there were any kind of difficulties. Knowing that we are also LDS, he advised us to make this decision a serious matter of prayer (and fasting for Burke) and to let him know what we had decided the next week.
Burke and I have both felt so peaceful about the decision to try to have this baby vaginally. If she is so much smaller than Daphne, I think we have a great chance at being able to safely deliver her. I know that my recovery would be a million times easier if I could do it that way, which would be a huge blessing. I also love the idea of being able to hold her immediately after the labor and have her in the room with us instead of having her whisked off to the NICU. I love the thought that I could nurse her immediately instead of having to deal with all the feeding tube drama that eventually resulted in my milk drying up. However, I don't feel like I'm going into this determined to have a VBAC come heck or high water. If it turns out that the labor is not going well, I won't fight another Cesarean, but I am so grateful for the chance to at least try the VBAC option first.
So now, we are just playing the waiting game. Yesterday was my 39 week mark so we're down to 6 days until my October 7th due date. However, since Daphne was induced 5 days before her due date, I really have no idea what to expect with this little lady. In many many ways, it feels like my first pregnancy because the whole process has been so drastically different. I have felt healthy and strong the entire pregnancy (minus some nausea the first month and a week of extreme soreness after Krissy's wedding a few weeks ago). I haven't been super emotional and besides being tired and needing to rest most afternoons, I still feel like I have been able to do all the things I've needed to do. The PUPPS (which appeared around 37 weeks last time and led to me being induced early) haven't bothered me once this time around - hallelujah! So even if we have another weird delivery, I will consider this pregnancy very successful!
I am anxious and ready for our little darling to make her debut, but will force myself to stay patient until she decides she is good and ready. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that we're about to become a family of 4, but I am so ready for the change! Hopefully the next time I blog it will be to introduce her to you. Thank you for all the love, support and prayers - we appreciate them so much!