The First of Many

I noticed that in documenting Daphne's birth story, I didn't adequately describe what a tremendous support Burke was during the labor, our stay in the hospital and our adjustment now that we are all home together.  I had three nurses on different days comment on how attentive, gentle and thoughtful Burke was to me and our baby.  At one point a nurse walked in when Burke was rubbing my hugely swollen feet and gasped, "You have no idea how lucky you are!"

 But I do know how lucky I am!  Not many women are married  to the kind of man who rushes to be home with his wife and baby, who takes the night shift and changes diapers, who tells me my horrendous stretch marks are "victory marks" and "trophies" for the strains of getting this baby here.  

I love seeing him tiptoe into the nursery every half hour to admire Daphne as she sleeps.  I love hearing him play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and other lullabies on the guitar when we're getting her ready for bed.  I love how he starts laughing in delight when Daphne changes her facial expression every few seconds.  Here's to this incredible man, my darling husband and our sweet daughter's papa.  Happy First Father's Day Alan Burke!


Liv Blair said…
What a sweet husband and little family you have Em!