52 Dates: #21 - The Hunger Games

We didn't get a date in last weekend while we were in Parowan, so I guess we'll have to so a double-hitter one of these weeks to make up for it.  Fine by me!  However, our date on Friday night was killer and not just because we watched a bunch of teenagers fight to the death on the big screen.

What made it so good was that this was our first date since Daphne was born where it was just the two of us.  We've left her probably less than 10 times with family for a quick session at the temple and then a few weeks ago for Brian Regan, but we were with Burke's entire family.  This week we hired our very first babysitter and went out on the town by ourselves.  And I cannot tell you what a difference it made!  We were like a couple of twitterpated teenagers!  I was so incredibly attracted to my hubby and having so much fun with him.  I had one of those 'ah-ha' moments where I realized THIS is why so many people encourage you to keep dating, to have an outing sans the babies and just focus on the two of you for a minute.  Going on official date with Burke each week has been my goal all year (hence this 52 dates series), but until Friday I didn't understand what a big difference it makes to go out without our sweet baby in tow and take a breather for a minute from the weighty responsibility of being parents.  Truthfully, we can't afford to have a big date like this every weekend, but now that I know what we've been missing we will definitely be doing it more often than once a year!

As for "The Huger Games" I have to say I was super impressed.  Burke and I read all three books together and were totally hooked on the series.  I had a hard time with the third book (too gory for my taste), but it is definitely an exciting story and ripe with controversial topics for a young adult literature class (reality television, child warfare, political corruption, etc, etc).  As for the movie, I thought the violence was tastefully  done (if there is such a thing when it comes to a death match), although I am a wimp and had to bury my head in Burke's shoulder a few times.  The acting was very well done.  Jennifer Lawrence and the kid who played Peeta were both amazing and Gale is downright attractivo, so you can't go wrong there. :)  My only complaint was Haymitch, who interpreted the character as a sedated drunk, rather than the disturbed, burly and aggressive mentor I had imagined.  They used him too often for comic relief which dampened his role as the forever-altered victor of his Hunger Games years previous.  Other minor dislikes, but overall I was pleased with how closely they stuck to the book.  Can't wait for number two!
