Well Wishes - A Little Late

Meant to post this on Christmas or New Years, but I haven't touched the blog in a couple of weeks due to travel and more sickness.  Just when one of us gets well another comes down with something new.  

Here's what our Christmas card looked like this year.

And here's what the inside looked like.  You've seen these pictures a million times from my blog header, but they were the most recent of us before the holidays.

Speaking of Christmas cards, I absolutely adore my sister-in-law, Kristen, for sending out her very own mock card to make fun of the typical bragging Christmas cards people tend to send out harolding all of their greatest accomplishments for the year.  The switches from first to third person, the fragrant boasting, and the thick sarcasm were all hugely enjoyable.  Here it is in all its glory.  (P.S. She worked with a boy named Burke)

Dear Family,

Wow! Another year has already come and gone. I can’t believe it has only been a year, and I have accomplished so much.
Kristen is doing very well. She has enjoyed school very much. She got a 4.0 (again!) and is looking forward to smashing all her classes in the spring semester. She is taking 18 credits and is excited that she is getting closer to becoming one of the best English teachers Utah has ever seen.

My classes were very grueling this year! I learned how to diagram sentences, I learned the difference between “who” and “whom,” and I even learned how to see the world as a Marxist. I’m starting to think that socialism really is the way to go! I’m so glad Obama won.

Work has been wonderful. Since Burke left, I have been promoted to sign shop worker number three.

Kristen exercises as often as I can. I walked twenty laps around the gym almost once every month this semester! I’m looking forward to training for my half marathon, which is going to be in the spring. Wow! I am going to be busy, especially since I will have to shoo away all the boys!

Church is wonderful. Later, I am taking  homemade cookies to the girls next door. They weren’t in church last week, so I’ve taken it upon myself to see that they show up this Sunday! I just reported to the Relief Society secretary that I got 100% visiting teaching for the tenth consecutive month!

Speaking of Sunday, I have joined the Mormon Woman Feminist Movement, and I’m so excited to change the nature of the church and make women equal to the men in the church by wearing pants to sacrament meeting.

I’m so happy you got to hear from me once again.

Merry Christmas! And may your year be ever as productive as mine.
The Kristen Adams Family 

 Almost as good as the letter itself was our brother-in-law, Wes's text in response which I stole off of Krissy's blog.  What fun to be related to such witty people! :)


Super cute card! And that letter from you sis-in-law was hilarious! :)