Lydia's Soccer Game and Stake Conference with Elder Oaks

We had such a nice weekend.  Friday night we had dinner at the Ridings with my Aunt MaryAnne and Marissa who were down to see "The Little Mermaid" at Tuhacan.  We had a lovely visit, went home, put Daph to bed and watched "Rio" on Redbox.  Not my favorite animated film ever, but a fun one-time watch.  Saturday morning we went on a family walk, gave Ms. Daphne a tubby, took Lydia to her awesome soccer game where she proudly scored TWO goals, made an insane trip to Costco (we are NEVER going on a Saturday ever again!), took a family nap, and had a delicious BBQ with our friends the Isons while watching BYU get their hiney whomped!  After a fun, but busy day, I was looking forward to a relaxed Sunday - not so!

Sunday we got up early and had breakfast with our friends, the Burrs, while the hubby's walked across the street to save us seats at stake conference.  We knew we had to get there early as our conference was being presided over by Elder Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve - one of the head leaders for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - and people were so excited to have him come.  Burke and Kade went over at 8:30 and already the chapel was full!  They got seats on the last row of padded chairs in the overflow which we were grateful for.  Ever Gonzalez was an usher and said that people had showed up as early as 7 AM to try and save entire rows!  At 9:30, Elder Oaks came in with the stake presidency and spent the next 20 minutes moving throughout the congregation greeting people and shaking hands.  He got to the row right in front of us and winked at Burke before heading to the pulpit.  Shucks - we wanted to shake his hand!

The conference was wonderful and I listened eagerly to hear what words of revelation an apostle of Jesus Christ would have for us.  The most important message I took from his talk was the reality of God's love for each and every one of us - good or bad, lost or found.  He shared a story that emphasized the immense power of God's love and his desire for us to return to Him.  He also touched on topics such as attending to the poor and needy, improving our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and striving to increase our personal revelation.  It was such a great meeting and I left feeling edified.

Hosting Gwen and Gary Pascoe (my mentor teacher from my student teaching) for dinner followed by an evening walk in perfect temperatures and playing with Daphne before bed was the perfect finish to a terrific weekend!
