52 Dates: #5 - Hulu

(Photo from IMDB)

Due to the fact that we had visitors this weekend (my parents! more about our visit later), date night spanned the entire week with an episode each night of the new TV series "Once Upon a Time" on Hulu until we caught up on the show.  I don't know if I have mentioned, but Burke and I don't have TV.  Correction, we do have a small TV, but we only use it for movies.  TV is one of my soap boxes about the deterioration of our society.  Whenever we are at someones home and the TV is on, inevitably I leave disgusted by the smutty commercials/sitcoms/reality tv that pervade essentially every channel.  Even cartoons are either mind numbing or full of subtle sensuality.  People who think that kind of garbage doesn't have an impact on them and especially on their children are up in the night.  Not to say there aren't good things on TV, but I have found that the majority of the content on the air leaves me with a gross feeling, so we decided even before we got married that we would not invite that into our home.  HOWEVER, this is about date night, not my disdain for the media.  (Like I said - soap box - sorry. Also, I realize we are abnormal in this and I am not judging the 99% of people who have and watch TV - I am ranting against the people who create and produce that garbage in the first place!)

(Photo from IMDB)

SO, there are two shows that Burke and I love to watch via Hulu each week.  The first is "The Biggest Loser."  Sure, it's a reality show, but you can't fake weight loss!  We call it "Fat Lard" (politically incorrect? you bet!) and absolutely love it.  Then about two weeks ago, Catherine introduced us to "Once Upon a Time", an extremely cheesy show about fairy tale characters who are trapped in our world and are being kept from their happily ever afters.  It's a clever premise and even though the CG is sometimes laughable and the acting a bit over the top (seriously, how many times can they zoom in on the witch while she purses her lips in an evil leer?), I am really enjoying it.  We signed up for the free trial of Hulu Plus to see the episodes that were already archived and then canceled the subscription once we got caught up and before it charged us.  We spent a lot of time together this week watching it, so even though it wasn't an official date night, I'm going to count it.  

P.S. I know people often use the excuse of not dating their spouse due to the extra expense, but just a little FYI, out of our 5 dates this year, we have only spent $15 bucks! ($5 for frozen yogurt after the temple and $10 for a bucket of balls at the driving range).  Just saying it's possible to spend quality time together without always spending money.  
