January Pleasure Read

In fulfilling one of my New Years Resolutions, I made time this month to read for pleasure.  Together, Burke and I read the personal history of our 93-year-old Grandma Elaine Adams (my father-in-law's mother) and are almost finished with "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (we plan to read the entire series this year as he has never read them!).  On my own I read "To the Rescue: The Biography of Thomas S. Monson" reading a little each day as I fed Daphne her bottle.  I learned so much about his life, but also about the heavy responsibilities and packed schedule of the top leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Although the writing was a little dry, it was still a pleasurable read and the countless accounts of President Monson's inspiring and Christ-like deeds over his long life brought me to tears on several occasions.  This book also inspired me to learn more about the members of the church who lived in East Germany during the communist reign and the many miracles that took place during those decades.  If you're looking for an informative and uplifting read, I would recommend this biography.

(Photo credit here)


Chelsea said…
Sounds like you've got a lot of great reads going right now! Brig and I are currently reading the Harry Potter series too! We love it. And we hope you guys like it too!