Harry Potter Marathon
During the first week of July, Burke's sister Catherine invited us to go to the 6th Harry Potter movie with them as a family affair. I was stoked as I am a big fan of the books, but Burke had never taken part of the world of JK Rawlings - silly muggle! :)
We borrowed Catherine's movies and for the next week each night after dinner we cuddled into our next installment of the series. I forgot how scary parts of that story can be! The next week we joined Kevin, Danelle, Matt, Catherine, Brett and Kristen for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in the theater. We were so excited that all us ladies drew matching lightening scars on our foreheads with eye liner.
The film was EXCELLENT although I was pretty upset that there was no battle at the end and the death eaters got to just walk out of the castle dramatically. Lame. We've officially made a fan out of the Burkito. Hooray!