Healthy Living Challenge

Yesterday I was recruited into a healthy living challenge and I am so excited!  My sister Cassie and I will be teaming up against Telsha and Danelle to see how healthy we can be.  You see, we all want to eat well, exercise and take good care of our bodies, but sometimes in the day to day blur we end up eating too much sugar and not enough veggies or putting off the exercise "until tomorrow."  Here is our plan to take better care of ourselves.  If any of you want to join, I would love to hear about your progress!

Every day you have the opportunity to gain 5 points.  They are assigned as follows:

1) Drink 8 glasses of water = 1 pt
2) Eat 5 servings of fruits or veggies = 1 pt
3) Get 20 minutes or more of exercise = 1 pt
4) No eating after 8 pm = 1 pt
5) No sweets = 1 pt

At the end of the week you tally up your best 5 days for your total weekly points.  We are going for 3 months (starting yesterday and ending October 24) and at the end the team with the most points gets a gift card to go shopping and the losing team has to make the winning team dinner at a celebration girls night!  The great thing is, this isn't some crazy diet where you eat 200 calories a day and gain all your weight back once you end it.  Nope, this is meant to help us simply establish healthy habits in our lives.  All of those things are totally doable and the best part is, you don't have to miss out on fun things like chocolate fondue or s'mores at a campout, but you just won't get that extra point for the day.  Having this as a competition definitely motivates me to do my best so I don't let Cas down and so I can go shopping! :)  Yeah!

I'm especially excited to lose the last little bit of my pregnancy weight.  At my six week checkup I had lost 29 pounds and I was only 8 pounds away from my pre-prego weight.  I've been worried about burning those last pounds, however, because I am still slowly recovering from my C-section.  I definitely feel that I've had a wonderful recovery and I've been able to do quite a bit already, but even though I may look mostly back to normal (except for my gross wrinkly belly - can't wait for that skin to retract!), I can still feel that my innards are still healing and if I overdue it, my incision starts to ache.  Any activity that puts a strain on those muscles quickly reminds me that I am still recovering from a pretty big surgery.  It's hard for me to take it easy, but in other ways I can see how much stronger I am already.  I am getting farther in my walks with Daphne each day and I can go to the grocery store without wanting to die now. :)  I am looking forward to running again, but have to remind myself to slow down and take it one step at a time!  There's no doubt this challenge will help me reach my goal sooner.  So snag a few gals and try it out yourself.  Ready? Go!


Anonymous said…
Proud of you Em!! :) !!!
Mindy said…
I would never get more than four points a day. I will never stop eating sweets, ESPECIALLY if I am exercising every day. :)
Shay said…
Don't you even worry! Have I told you that I gained 50lbs! Yes, it all came off and more by the time Penny was about 6-7 months. For you to be only 8lbs to go, GO YOU! That is great!