Baby Update - 9 Months

After a long graduation day, going out to dinner with my parents and in-laws, and coming back to Cassie's for dessert with the Bush and Adams family visitors, I was exhausted.  As a result of pushing myself all week (especially on graduation day), I woke up on Saturday morning with my first contractions!  At first I didn't know what they were and I got worried about the baby thinking, "Why am I having menstrual cramps?  Is she okay?"  Then my brain clicked (a little slower than usual these days) and I thought, "Oooooh, that's what those feel like."  They didn't last long, but it got me excited that this little lady may be starting to make her descent.

People keep asking me if I am dying to have her out yet.  On the one hand, I am definitely looking forward to having my body back, while on the other hand I just want her to take all the time she needs to grow and develop properly.  I have felt so good these past few months of pregnancy and I figure I can stand another month of this if it means our lady will be healthy and strong.  

Okay, I just wrote those past 2 paragraphs a few days ago and I would like to amend that statement.  The past two days have been AWFUL!  My nausea has returned and I threw up violently yesterday morning causing my non-existent abs to ache all day long.  Her kicking feels like she is bruising my ribs and I have been having consistent cramping.  I want her out out out!  But I'm starting to get scared scared scared!  Any advice to calm a first time mother?

On Tuesday I had my 36 week (9 months!) appointment where I was checked for the first time.  Needless to say, that was awful.  I am still measuring a week big and apparently my cervix is starting to thin, but my doc didn't seem to think that would make her come any sooner.  28 days folks, just 28 more days!


Nicki said…
Emily! You are looking so cute; I love your cute belly! I am so excited for you. I remember feeling the same way shortly before having Jackson. Sometimes I felt like I could hardly wait another minute to have my baby, but then other moments I felt scared and not ready. Now looking back, I realize I didn't need to be so nervous. It all came naturally, and I forgot that I was scared the minute I held my baby for the first time. It is such a precious moment to look forward to. I can't wait for you to meet your little girl; you'll be such a great mommy. She is so lucky!