2 Weeks In

Two YW activities successfully accomplished.  We taught the girls how to do Genealogy Indexing and set a goal to do 1,000 names before Girls Camp at the end of June.  I wasn't sure how many of them would actually do it so I almost jumped up and down when I got a text the next day from one of our girls asking if it was okay to Index a Puerto Rico Census record.  Um...YES it's okay!  Have you done Indexing yourself?  It's actually pretty fun.  I've been trying to do a couple of batches a week.  Check it our HERE.

This week we had to scramble to plan a combined YM/YW activity.  It evolved from water baseball with slip'n'slides and kiddie pools to water balloon capture the flag and kickball.  I was shocked by how many kids turned up.  I hadn't ever seen half of the boys that showed.  I think it was a hit, but I'm hoping we can have activities planned far enough out now that it won't be so much last minute dashing around to get things in order.

I can't believe how much I worry about the girls already.  We have 22 girls on the ward list and only about 7 that come to church and activities regularly.  I know most (if not all) of them are struggling right now.  It is such a toxic world they are immersed in and I worry so much about them being able to form solid morals and resist all the temptations around them.  However, I also realize we have some strong young ladies we are working with who love Christ and are trying hard to be like him.  I just hope I can do enough to strengthen these girls and help them know just how beautiful and wonderful they really are!
