Up North for the New Year

Since we hadn't seen Kelly and Wes over Christmas, we headed north after work on Friday to celebrate the new year with the Adams family.  On our way, we stopped in Ivins for dinner with the Isons (minus Lyndi and baby Cannon who were coaching basketball out of town - we missed you guys!) and the Nielsons who have been on a major road trip the past month from Mississippi to Utah.  It was so fun to see them again after a year and a half and to finally meet baby Ayla Rose.  What a doll!  She is busy busy and was cracking me up as she cruised around trying to get a hand on everything in sight.  It's crazy what a huge difference there is in babies from 6 months to a year.  Daphne just stared at her in amazement.  I can't wait for them to be friends as they get older!  We will definitely be playing with these fun families more in the future, especially if we can get Annie and Blake back in Utah eventually.

Over the weekend we bowled in Cedar City, shot clay pigeons and old pumpkins from Halloween (it only took me twenty bullets to hit it! ha!), went on a run to the Parowan cemetery, played games, the Wii and a cute family trivia game that Cath came up with, and of course ate a lot of good food including an outing to the Cafe.  Mmmm.

We ushered in the New Year like a bunch of old foggies - asleep!  I had no desire to be up until midnight and then get up with a hungry baby at 5 AM.  No thanks.  I think my favorite part of this visit was Sunday evening where we sat down to watch the old home videos that Marie had surprised everyone with by putting them onto DVDs.  It was amazing to see Alan and Marie as young parents and realize that Burke and I are older now then they were when the videos were recorded. *Weird*  I was also amazed when baby number 3 (Alan Burke) showed up, the exact clone of our sweet Daphne.  No lie, it was shocking how much they looked alike and how Marie swore the years from birth to thirty-year-old-hubby-with-clone-like-babe-in-his-own-arms went by in a flash.  I feel that.  Seriously, the days and weeks and months seem to be accelerating little by little and I don't know how to put the breaks on.  Slow down life!  It was a lovely visit and here are a few of my favorite pictures from it.

Daphne's been way into her tongue lately, constantly sticking it out and buzzing her lips with it.

"Mhy Cooouuuuuuzins!" As Lyndee Jo would say in her endearing way. (Lyndee, Daphne, Hallie, Jade)

I just thought this shot was so tender.  Isn't Kristen so lovely?
