52 Dates: #19 - Brian Regan

Not a terrific picture of LeeAnn and me

Drove to St. George last night to go to Brian Regan with the Adams family.  Everyone was there except the Montana crew.  Brett brought his cute girlfriend Camri and Krissy brought her friend Clark.  It was like a sneak peak into the future when we will all be married - loved it!  LeeAnn is so adorably pregnant, Nellie looks amazing for just having had a baby less than a month ago, little Luke just might be a red-head, Marie (my M-I-L) was sporting skinny jeans and rocking them and everyone was in a good mood.

Cassie was a champ and let us put Daphne down for bed at their house.  We're getting better at not freaking out when we leave her.  It's been months since we've had a date without the little lady at our side!

The weather was perfect and who can ever beat the setting of Tuhacan's outdoor theater up against the red rock?  I didn't mind the nosebleeds because the jokes are hilarious no matter where you sit and the jumbo screens had a close up of his ridiculous faces the whole night.

I had heard most of his material he used, but still laughed through the whole show.  And I will NEVER get sick of his description of riding on the back of that guys motorcycle without trying to fall off!  Oh my, if you know what I'm talking about you are probably laughing with me right now!  What a gem.


If you don't have a clue who I'm talking about, just sit back and enjoy a little video snippet of the genius himself!


Anonymous said…
Jealous! How fun to see him at Tuhacan!